Gland Packing Specifications ENKA Gasket Seal
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Gland Packing ENKA
Non Asbestos Gland Packing
Gland Packing or Compression Packing or Packing was created as a sealing device (blocking device), but because it has to drip, it is more accurately called a restrictional device. Gland Packing was born before Mechanical Seal. Usually made with a braid or woven system with a box-section shape. The constituent materials can be graphite, acrylic, PTFE, asbestos and so on.
Why does Gland Packing have to drip?
Because the friction between the shaft sleeve and the Gland Packing will generate heat which in some cases causes the Gland Packing to scorch. For this reason, cooling as well as lubrication is needed by providing the opportunity for the process fluid to drip out. Non Asbestos Gland Packing